The SWAT team.

Published on 02/01/2021
Tags: #lifestyle #military #slave #polyamor #submissive #chastity #bondage #consensual

They always were both happy and honoured to pose for any pictures their Master wanted to take. All five of them.

The setup of this particular picture might be misleading but they actually belong to the same unit. Whose commanding officer is also their Master. He knows how to discipline and train them to be at their best in every needed domain : Special Weapons and Tactics obviously, but also Sexual Willingness and Talent as well as Service Worth and Training.

Their Master keeps them in chastity cages as long as possible, in bondage as often as possible and submissive to him every day of the year. They are all equal slaves to Him and he uses them without any kind of favouritism.

Then, why is one of them kneeling and leashed while wearing another uniform ? That's easy :

On the first day of each month, they are all separately released on training grounds with non-lethal weapons. Their goal is to capture one of the other. The training stops with the first capture.

The captive gets to be submissive to the four others for the whole month, until the next hunt. It doesn't change anything regarding their Master, but he also submits to his slave brothers. Sexually or otherwise. He can find himself in more bondage than the other, he can find himself subject to more torture and he can get used in many ways. He is also used as the "enemy", the "vanquished", the "captive" during training or parades or public demonstrations. This is what happened on the picture above.

The captor gets to be released from his chastity cage until lights-out. And he gets to use his dick on his captive for the same duration as often as he wants it. Their orgasms and releases are otherwise pretty rare, so this is a powerful motivation for them. The captor is also designated as squad leader for the rest of the month. He gets to conceive and implement tactics, discuss them with their officer and bark orders during operations. He also get to manage the captive appearance and behavior during all public meetings, including the use of leashes, cuffs and tape gags.

Each and every one of them loves this life. They love their Master, they love each other and they love the D/s opportunities they get to live. Even during their month(s) of increased submissiveness, they have no doubt about their lives, no desire to change anything.

Image stylisée d'une silhoutte humaine attachée dans une cage. L'humain est couché sur le ventre, poignets et chevilles reliés par une corde dans son dos. Il porte un bandeau sur les yeux. La cage est completée d'une grosse serrure.